Curious creatures and where to find them

Dr. Siobhan Vye of Bangor University.
  • Talk

Curious creatures and where to find them

Exploring the shore with the Capturing our Coast project
6 August 2016, 2:00pm
An illustrated talk by Dr Siobhan Vye of Bangor University
to accompany the exhibition The School of Art, Science and Technical Classes at MOSTYN, Llandudno
From crabs and anemones to barnacles and winkles,  learn more about the diversity of life that can be found tucked away on our shores, and how scientists study these unique ecosystems. This talk will introduce rocky shore creatures and the unique characteristics that allow them to survive in a harsh environment. It will describe how a national project, Capturing our Coast, is engaging members of the public to work with scientists to better understand how our shores will respond in the face of environmental change.
Capturing our Coast is a project that aims to find out more about the species that live in our seas and how we can protect them. Members of the public and scientists work together to collect information about marine species along our stunning UK coasts.


Tickets £4 from MOSTYN shop
Booking is advised.
01492 868191