Gwanwyn Festival 2013

  • Workshop

Gwanwyn Festival 2013

MOSTYN Youth Programme
29 June 2013, 2:00pm

MOSTYN has been selected to represent the North East Wales region to deliver the Commissioners’ Choice Project during May/ June in collaboration with Age Cymru and Gwanwyn Festival.

The Commissioner’s Choice project has enabled the group of newly recruited young people aged between 15 and 25 the opportunity to work together for the first time as a team. The project has provided the young people with a unique insight into project development, allowing them to explore and exchange ideas about this shared experience with older generation, working in collaboration with organsations such as Blind Veterans UK, Llys Erw Care Home, Llys Elian Care Home and TAPECommunity to develop an audio digital/film based responses to the theme ‘ What does a teenage Saturday Night out mean to you?’

The digital project will be on display for the public to experience at MOSTYN Gallery on Sat the 29th of June, including a soundscape installation and sensory memory boxes created by the MOSTYNNinjas: a youth programme aged 11 – 14 capturing their grandparents, family or friends who are aged 55 or above, about their typical teenage Saturday nights.