Making art write: gallery spaces as writing inspiration

  • Talk

Making art write: gallery spaces as writing inspiration

A lecture by Dr DeAnn Bell
15 June 2019, 2:30pm

Your next novel idea could be as close as MOSTYN gallery. This interactive creative writing workshop focuses on idea generation for fiction and poetry. By first understanding how we, as individuals, organise our world into stories we can use props and prompts to collaborate with the art around us and produce innovative creative writing ideas. No previous writing experience is necessary. Paper and pens will be provided.

‘Where art and words collide’ lecture series

What is literature? What is art? What is beautiful? The relationship between artist, author, and audience is fraught with uneasy expectations of finding ‘meaning’. However, both literature and art thrive in places where art and words collide and meaning breaks apart to reveal alternative worlds and new approaches. From a historical look at violence in literature, to the places where narrative threads turn into digital tapestries, words trade meaning to become sounds, and perspective reframes creative approaches to become new art.

This series of lectures explores art and literature as interactive spaces for posing questions rather than imposing meaning.


Lectures are FREE  

Booking is advised on 01492 868191 or by calling into the gallery.