- Workshop
Portffolio: artist-led masterclass for 14-18 yr olds
11.00am - 5.00pm
Make your own characters, stories and comic strips
Marc Jackson’s workshop will teach you everything you’ll need to know to make your own comic! Learn character design, storyboarding and narrative from an industry professional. Using these tools, you’ll come away with your very own comic strip, and an insight into the comic world. If you’ve got characters building up in a sketchbook, bring it along and give them a story.
About the Artist:
Marc Jackson is a cartoonist from Macclesfield in Cheshire. He has created characters for The Beano, Aces Weekly, Comic Heroes Magazine, The Brooklyn Red-Hook Star revue and MooseKid comics. He regularly self-publishes comics and in 2017 he was commissioned by the Lakes International Comic-art festival to create a comic ‘Here comes Cat Stevens!’ which was funded by the Arts Council England. He latest comic ‘Donald Dogsbody does the dishes and other screwball stories’ will be released Summer of 2018. Marc also runs drawing workshops in School’s, Libraries and festival around the country and organises MACC-POW! a one-day comic event in his hometown, now in it’s 3rd year.
£12.50 per workshop or 3 for £30.
Workshops include a 1 hour break. Please bring packed lunches.
What is Portffolio?
MOSTYN’S Portffolio programme is an Arts Council Wales funded initiative for young people with a passion for the visual arts. Aimed at students in Conwy aged between 14 and 18, the programme sets out to nurture and support more able and talented students. Experienced artists from a range of disciplines will share their work and help you develop your skills in exploring materials and techniques you may not have used before. There will be opportunities for you to discuss your work and develop your personal portfolio.
Booking is essential. Telephone 01492 868191 (10.30am - 5.00pm, Tue - Sun)
Or book online: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/mostyn-gallery-portffolio-project-1420798...