Calling all Creatives!
We are inviting proposals for our eighth Christmas window display giving artists/designers/makers the opportunity to dress the double fronted art nouveau style windows at MOSTYN.
Are you a designer/maker with imaginative ideas about displaying your own work? We invite proposals from you on how you would create a dramatic display within a large/given space. This opportunity is open for collaboration work with other artists and designers. Saleable items made by the successful candidate, included in the display, must be agreed with the Retail Manager beforehand.
Or do you have visual merchandising ideas?
Are you an individual with the creative vision to produce a striking display that incorporates merchandise from the retail space? We invite you to propose and create a display that is visually stunning. This opportunity involves liaison with the Retail Manager regarding the selection of stock items to be displayed.
Full brief and details are avaliable here or email [email protected].
Deadline: 5.30pm 10th September 2017.