courtesy Holly Williams
- Workshop
Getting Started with Photo Editing
Five ways to manipulate your photographs
21 May 2020, 10:30am to 29 May 2020, 11:45pm
Getting Started with Photo Editing
(suitable for age 13+ and anyone interested in basic photo editing)
Learn to use image manipulation software to digitally alter your own photographs on your phone or tablet. (suitable for age 13+ and anyone interested in basic photo editing)
Join Holly from our Engagement Team, as she takes you through five ways to manipulate your photographs using the free Adobe Photoshop Express app.
Send your digitally charged images to us for sharing or keep screenshots for your art/design coursework.
You will need
- Smart phone or tablet
- Adobe Photoshop Express App (it’s free)
- Some of your own photographs saved to your phone’s image gallery or camera roll
Send your images to [email protected] by Friday 29 May and we will share a selection on our Facebook page.
Note to Year 10 - 12 art students:
Digitally manipulating your own photos is a great way to gain extra marks to your art portfolio. You don’t need any specialist equipment, it’s free and it can fit in with any project theme. This may be particularly useful if you are in year 10 or 12 and are working on your coursework from home. See Tutorial 5 - Digitise for practical advice and tips.
Tutorial 1: Colour
Using the app Adobe Photoshop Express, you will learn how to use colour to create a more impactful image. We will be getting to grips with the meaning of hue, tint, tone and complimentary colours.
Using the app Adobe Photoshop Express, you will learn how to use colour to create a more impactful image. We will be getting to grips with the meaning of hue, tint, tone and complimentary colours.
Be sure to turn Subtitles/Captions ON for instructions.
Tutorial 2: Proportion
We take a look at the Rule of Thirds and how this can improve the composition of your image in tutorial 2.
Be sure to turn Subtitles/Captions ON for instructions.
Be sure to turn Subtitles/Captions ON for instructions.
Tutorial 3: Blend
Learn how to use the blur and vignette tools to give your image a strong focal point in tutorial 3.
Be sure to turn Subtitles/Captions ON for instructions.
Be sure to turn Subtitles/Captions ON for instructions.
Tutorial 4: Corrections
In tutorial 4 we look at the causes of 'red-eye' and how we can easily fix them. We also look at the blur tool and how we can use this to correct blemishes.
Be sure to turn Subtitles/Captions ON for instructions.
Tutorial 5: Digitise
For the final tutorial in the series, we look at how to use your new skills and terminology to develop your portfolio or coursework from home.
Be sure to turn Subtitles/Captions ON for instructions.
About EDGE
MOSTYN’s EDGE programme has been funded thanks to the generous support of the Arts Council of Wales and Innovate UK. From January 2019, MOSTYN has worked in conjunction with Wrexham Glyndwr University and resident PhD researcher Clare Harding to look at what audiences want from a public art gallery in the digital age.

MOSTYN’s EDGE programme has been funded thanks to the generous support of the Arts Council of Wales and Innovate UK. From January 2019, MOSTYN has worked in conjunction with Wrexham Glyndwr University and resident PhD researcher Clare Harding to look at what audiences want from a public art gallery in the digital age.