Podcasting Passions with Victoria Meakin

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Podcasting Passions image
  • Workshop

Podcasting Passions with Victoria Meakin

Creative workshop for 14+ and adults
14 December 2019, 10:30am to 4:00pm

This is the age of the podcast. Episodic audio productions that can be produced by anyone, with a potential audience of everyone. Downloadable, democratic, inspiring and often educational, what would your podcast be about? Radio Broadcaster and journalist Victoria Meakin (BBC World Service, BBC Radio 3, BBC 5 Live) takes you through a detailed hands-on guide to producing the podcast within you.

Under 16's must be accompanied by an adult.


£20.00 per person

Booking is essential via Eventbrite or MOSTYN shop on 01492 868191 (during opening hours).