- History Series
Sylvia Sleigh
A talk by T.Gwyn Williams
31 October 2015, 2:30pm
Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been cancelled.
We hope to reschedule for a future date to be confirmed.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Both feminist art and feminist criticism have had a major influence on the contemporary art world. Many of the artists utilise ‘new media’ such as video, performance or photography, but some artists take on the establishment by using and subverting its own traditions and Sylvia Sleigh is such an artist. Using the traditional medium of oil on canvas, the human form, portraiture and referencing art history, she adapts these for her own agenda and purpose. The illustrated lecture will look at Sylvia Sleigh’s work and her contribution to the New York galleries: A.I.R. (Artists in Residence) Gallery, Soho 20 (a women’s cooperative gallery), and The Sister Chapel.
T. Gwyn Williams is an artist, art historian and popular lecturer.